
Emerge Psychological Services have significant experience in undertaking individual assessments.

You may be a parent concerned about your child or young adults’ behaviour, or a professional or organisation requiring additional support and direction regarding a young adult you are working with. Emerge Psychological Services will support you in assessing the function and drivers for the behaviour in question, from which recommendations for the effective management and intervention to support positive behavioural change can be made.

Whether you require an assessment to inform intervention planning (see below) or as a standalone piece of work to help guide complex case management arrangements, EPS can support you.

A formulation driven, integrative approach is taken to any assessment undertaken, ensuring the individual is at the centre.  Information is sourced from a variety of places to ensure a holistic view is taken.

young girl staring angrily into the camera lens


young boy wearing a hoodie and staring moodily into the camera lens

Emerge Psychological Services both design and deliver quality evidence-based interventions tailored to the needs of the individual or organisation.  Emerge Psychological Services are experienced in working with individuals presenting with a wide range of difficulties and offer a range of psychological therapy modalities to address concerns and responsivity needs, identified during the assessment stage.   

Intervention are tailored as required, both in terms of duration and need.  All interventions will however commence with a thorough assessment process through which a detailed formulation of the case will be developed to guide subsequent intervention sessions. 

Interventions are also designed to help support and build resilience to help maintain and harness recent positive behavioural change.  Intervention work can be offered remotely or face to face and can be agreed following a discussion regarding need and individual responsivity considerations.

       Interventions can be designed to address the following:

> Self-injurious behaviour

> Emotional management

> Unhealthy sexual thoughts / behaviours

> Aggression / Anger management

> Substance misuse

> Identity confusion / crisis

>  Vulnerability to extremism concerns

> Negative group influences / gangs

> Emerging Personality Disorder / difficulties