

Hello and welcome to Emerge Psychological Services (EPS).

EPS was formed in 2022 due to my desire to support young people and young adults to make positive life choices.  Young people rarely refer themselves; this is usually done by a professional working with them, such as a social worker, YOT worker or teacher, parent or guardian. Sometimes they may be referred for a particular reason, however they may disagree with the referral or feel that there is no cause for concern. 

My skill set lies in working with young people and young adults who are often described as resistant, unmotivated and/or disengaged and who present with complex and often challenging behavioural needs. I am passionate about working in a holistic, trauma informed way, that is evidence informed and responsive to an individual’s need and circumstance.  I work with and alongside the young person, ensuring that they are at the heart of all I do, whilst ensuring effective communication sharing to those responsible for their care.


Clinical Skills and Experience

I have worked as a forensic psychologist for over 20 years in various prison establishments and in prison service Headquarters. During this time, I have worked with countless men, women, children and young adults in both an assessment and intervention capacity.

I have a significant experience of working with individuals presenting with behaviour that is challenging, personality disorder, cognitive impairment, mental health challenges, autism and other emotional and psychological difficulties. I have extensive clinical knowledge regarding extremism risk and have worked with those both convicted of terrorist offences and those at risk of being drawn into extremist behaviours.

I am trained in a variety of assessment tools and approaches, I have extensive knowledge and experience of conducting psychological assessments and interventions across different client groups. I am skilled at developing bespoke interventions for individuals, following a careful assessment and case formulation process, to clearly understand the individual’s needs.

Consultancy Advice, Support and Supervision

I have provided consultancy advice and support in complex case management scenarios, in relation to active and prolific self-harming behaviours, suicidal ideation and other self-destructive behaviours. I have also provided consultancy advice in relation to crisis management situations and has subsequently supported the delivery of appropriate aftercare processes for all involved.

I have experience of providing high quality clinical and professional supervision to trainee psychologists, probation staff, education providers and substance misuse workers.


I have held a variety of senior management positions within His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) and have both led and provided consultancy support for organisational change projects and service development initiatives. I have a proven record of service design, improvement and expansion.


I have trained professionals across the UK in assessments and interventions across a range of differing needs and client groups. I have provided training in relation to behavioural and emotional management, self-injurious behaviours, trauma informed approaches, case formulation, extremist risk and crisis management, amongst others. I have further worked with education providers, teachers, pastoral leads and others to support them in delivering both structured intervention packages and bespoke intervention work with young people and young adults.

Professional Bodies

I am a Registered Forensic and Practitioner Psychologist with the Heath and Care Professions Council (HCPC), a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. I am registered on the British Psychological Society’s Register of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors (RAPPS), certifying my professional qualifications and experience in supervisory practices. I am also an Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) certified executive coach and mentor.