Emerge Psychological Services both design and deliver quality evidence-based interventions tailored to the needs of the individual. Emerge Psychological Services are experienced in working with individuals presenting with a wide range of difficulties and offer a range of psychological therapy modalities to address concerns and responsivity needs, identified during the assessment stage.
All interventions, irrespective of modality are trauma informed and tailored to the individual, both in terms of duration and need. When a therapist is trauma informed, they are knowledgeable about trauma and its wide-reaching impact on a person’s cognitions, emotions and behaviours. As a consequence, interventions offered aim to incorporate all these elements, designed to help support and build resilience to help maintain and harness positive behavioural change.

All interventions commence with a thorough assessment process through which a detailed formulation of the case will be developed to help guide subsequent intervention sessions.
Intervention work can be offered remotely or face to face and can be agreed following a discussion regarding need and individual responsivity considerations.
Interventions can be designed to address the following:
• Emotional management
• Trauma
• Aggression / Anger management
• Self-injurious behaviour
• Substance misuse
• Unhealthy sexual thoughts / behaviours
• Identity confusion / crisis
• Vulnerability to extremism concerns
• Negative group influences / gangs
• Emerging Personality Disorder / difficulties
Please get in touch to discuss your individual organisations requirements.
Modalities Used
CBT is a type of talking treatment which focuses on how your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect your feelings and behaviour. CBT can help to explore existing ways of dealing with problems and introduce new, alternative methods of coping. As the name suggests, it combines cognitive therapy (examining the things you think) and behaviour therapy (examining the things you do).
DBT was developed by an American Psychologist, Marsha Linehan in the late 1970s and focuses on helping people accept the reality of their lives and their behaviours, as well as helping them learn to change their unhelpful behaviours.
Dialectical strategies help clients move with pace towards change whilst accepting things as they are. DBT has been used, with success to work with addictions, adolescents and trauma, among other presentations.
CFT, developed by Paul Gilbert is an integrative therapy, drawing on techniques and concepts from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) evolutionary psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology and more. CFT aims to promote emotional health and wellbeing through supporting clients to relate to their difficulties in a compassionate, non-shaming way. This can be beneficial to clients who may hold their own self-critical, self-blaming and shaming views. CFT has been shown to be beneficial for people with high levels of shame and self-criticism, which may drive anxiety, depression and trauma symptoms.
CFT incorporates various approaches including psychoeducation relating to emotions and our brains, exploring the function of self-criticism and then exercises to build compassion, such as mindfulness, imagery and compassion cultivation practices and reasoning. Outside of the sessions, you may be given work to complete to practice the skills you have learned.
DDP is an attachment-focused therapy, parenting approach and model for clinical practice developed by Dr Dan Hughes and Dr Arthur Becker-Weidman. It is an evidenced based treatment approach for complex trauma, reactive attachment issues and other issues with attachment.
DDP is often used to work with children in care or in adoptive families, especially those who have experienced trauma, abuse or neglect. DDP focuses on relationships, attunement, intersubjectivity and sensitive responsiveness.
Dyadic means “something about two people” referencing the relational approach taken within DDP. DDP specifically aims to help parents or caregivers and the child make deeper emotional connections with each other, which is often challenging for children with a history of trauma and neglect.
EMDR is a therapy used to help people recover from distressing events and the problems they have caused, like flashbacks, upsetting thoughts or images, depression or anxiety.
EMDR is widely used by the NHS and the private sector in treating post-traumatic stress disorder or a variety of mental health problems like depression or anxiety, especially where a difficult life event has been involved. It can be used for people who have witnessed or experienced traumatic events, such as a violent crime, car accident, sexual or emotional abuse, bullying or the sudden loss of a loved one.
EMDR is suitable for adults, young people and children. It is recognised by the World Health Organisation (2013) as an effective therapy for children and adolescents who have experienced traumatic events and from the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS, 2018) for children and adolescents with PTSD.